Why should I care that a bitcoiner produce the products/hardware I want as opposed to anyone else???
Not everyone will or should. Many buyers are just scrimping by looking to pay the least. Perhaps you’re one of them.
But all else being equal, there are plenty of people who may prefer buying from people in a community they feel aligns with them. Especially when the workmanship & quality is there. A butcher is a perfect example. Bitcoiners are very much the same.
I'm not looking to pay the least, I'm looking for good value. Usually bitcoiner products are actually a poor value with price inflated due to being bitcoiner made, rather than being a good value due to bitcoiner thoughtfulness.
Anyway, I have a list of certain online bitcoiner businesses here: https://circularbtc.xyz
I did not expect that answer from you. I’m glad you clarified and shared a useful resource