I don't have a lot of tips and tricks so I'll focus on the core. Number one they need to respect you and have a positive relationship with you. Your actions need to match your words. Talk is cheap. Action is where it is. Kids are great BS detectors. Words matter so teach your kids. More importantly take ownership of their education both at home and in whatever school they attend. I'm a big proponent of home schooling but the key is to take ownership. That doesn't mean you do it alone.
One last thing, don't seek to raise good kids. Seek to guide your children to adulthood as moral men or women with integrity. I didn't really understand bitcoin until my children were in their teens but they respect my word and actions. They have the option to get paid for chores in bitcoin and do so. They self custody their own bitcoin now and I hope what they have learned and seen from me will stick.
Wise advice from @kepford here. Letting kids rely on their BS detector is a sound life skill these days - pushing a kid can do the opposite that you want.
I've never pushed mine - they've done work to get Bitcoin. Be prepared that it might be all about the price for them at first though.
You might be inspired by the wisdom in Aesop's fable where the sun and the North wind have a competition : https://fablesofaesop.com/the-north-wind-and-the-sun.html
Tbh it was all about the price for me at first. Thanks for sharing the fable - enjoyed reading it
I’m loving what you say. I’m a teacher irl and know just how important keeping my word is. The kids need to know where I stand and that I mean business. Nothing else matters.
So what’s the most dreadful household chore you manage to get your kids to do? 😉