Ask me anything. I have now earned 1000 sats and spent almost all of - I plan to spend more, so keep adding those good news that I can tip :)
As of this writing, I think I'm at 773. I mostly try to "add value" in the comments, by either summarizing articles, pointing out the relevant highlights or responding to some points in the article.
Mostly, I try to summarize the article and point out why it might be relevant, as I'm often just looking for a summary of the article to decide whether I should invest time in actually reading it.
I've submitted a few stories but I find comments to be the better method of earning sats on this site (and "karma" on HN).
On this sight, I suspect most of my earnings have come directly from @k00b being nice and giving me sats for being active.
What are you methods for earning sats from people on this site? Do you focus on anything in particular? Do you find posting links to be a better method or commenting? What do you try and focus on when commenting?
I generally try finding something interesting, technical or new perspective. Over the years I have seen many of the Saylor style hyping articles and videos and at this point I'm at diminishing returns with there being anything new. I think I have more sats from finding links like that, but for sure in comments I can also get some. When commenting I try to add something valuable, either based on my experience managing teams or based some technical stuff I happen to know.
And yeah, I also suspect @k00b is the MVP here :D
Hmm, it'd be interesting to see a split between stacking and tips. Tips would be easy to game (not that you have, just saying it's possible).
Circular tipping is something I’ve thought of. The only real mitigation would be to remove the stacked metric, break it up, or charge some tipping fee.
Interesting, didn't even think about that. I could theoretically just make another account and tip myself and my posts. I wonder if this gets bigger if that kind of gaming will become a bigger deal.
If you went with the tipping fee, would you do a sat or fractions of a sat, or?
It’d probably be a percentage. But I don’t think that’s what we should do. Your “stacked” sats give you no special power and likely never will.
I like the idea of a tipping fee. It could be 'difficulty' adjusted based on the traffic in a way that it scales with server costs rather than userbase. Unless of course, your plan is to generate exponential profit ;)
That's interesting. I think @k00b can probably pull the data, but tips are at least 400 sats. I funded the account with 500, currently my balance is 775 and in total I stacked 1129. That means that I also tipped and voted by 854 sats.
how did you find out about SN?
I first saw it mentioned by @alexbosworth on Twitter and the thing that caught me was that the UI was already well made, simple, but well thought out. The fact that it felt as a "finished product" was a big win thanks to @k00b.
$.50 well earned!
That's not a question :P
what color do you prefer for your lambo?
LOL great comment! But hey, everything is possible, if he stack those 1k sats, in few years can buy a nice lambo too with them.
I'm thinking orange to stay with the theme! What about you?
I don't see SN as a source of income, I see it more as a curated content by the pay to post feature that keeps away all the spammers and shitcoiners. Shitcoiners really hate LN so they will not even dare to use it here :)
Yeah, I agree with that :) I was having a bit fun with highlighting the amount and I'm going to spend it here anyway.
My only question:
No money transmitter license, but a license to my heart has been issued. :)
Nice congrats.