Settle in with a nice drink and watch the 10 year yield climb.
I made a greek Tstatsiki oracle analysis: DXY and 10Y will reverse the moment I go to the beach bar. Should be 11.00 o'clock east coast time. If I'm wrong I'll have a Raki on anyone who wants me to have one
Makes as much sense as the analysis I'm seeing. I'll keep an eye on the clock.
Do You see? The DXY looks toppy - just opened a Retsina! In 30 min I'll go to the bar. Bring Your NDX Calls in position....
Excellent call. I am observing.
Sorry. The Tsatsiki priest didn t see the job market fraud coming...
Done in by fraudulent government statistics, aka bidenomics
At least the Euro-System is easily going down 20 years before the Dollar even gets a cough
Never doubt the Tsatsiki Oracle!
I think Archimedes drew the first chart with some lines in the sand with a wooden stick, discovered a bull flag on the roman Dinar and was fu..ed up by a surprising move by the roman central banker Tullius Perversus to lower the silver grade by 10% to finance the war against Sicily. He was right but had a bad timing.
I believe Mr Perversus was the Bernanke of his day, or the Greenspan?
That's for sure. And he received highest honours for his economic wisdom...