I'm working on something like this, it is not decentralized and it is custodial (sadly I couldn't figure out a way to avoid this) but it offers many features that the fiat system lacks:
  • Open source, fully auditable
  • Private (tor hidden service). It does not require an account, just an ed25519 key pair. The private key never leaves the client.
  • Globally available and permissionless
  • Uses lightning payments to bet/withdraw (with plans to support on chain)
  • Users participate for the 99.609375% of the prize pool
I'm actually pretty close to getting everything ready. I'll be posting all the details about it in the next few weeks, hopefully.
I also want to mention that the next iteration of the project includes developing non-custodial real time events betting by using HODL contracts, which would allow users to bet against each other (1v1) with the service never taking custody of the funds.
I've seen a lot of demand for a service like this, I hope I can deliver.
Where are you going to promote?
I'm going to publish a post here, perhaps a note in nostr and a telegram message in some Bitcoin group, not much more really. I expect it to grow organically if there's enough demand.
Looking forward to seeing the release! Hopefully I don’t miss it
I could mention you in the comments if you wish
Yes please!