Feels like someone is paying to get media hype around a BIP that is never going to happen, the halving isn't going to hurt, just sounds like a bunch of high-time preference nonsense.
There is such a small global ownership of Bitcoin and so much more demand to tap into, how can you worry about a demand increase for Bitcoin when so few people have yet to get involved, and with the economy going the way its going why wouldn't people want to take a hedge or a stake when everything else is shitting the bed
if you were really concerned about Bitcoin's security budget you could go for the low-hanging fruit and stop wasting time on shitcoin chains and that capital could go into Bitcoin.
Every cycle a few miners get rekt, they just got more sunk and operating costs now, that the game they wanted to play, those miners will just distribute around the world where power is cheapest
Just hype. Less supply of new btc means (assuming demand stays the same) a higher btc price. Poor miners will be just fine as btc likely going.to 50k/per
These articles are just fear porn propaganda to get people to adhere to new bip proposals .
Save the miners is btc talk for "save the whales"