Most people think that there is freedom of speech in most "developed" countries, the true is far from it.
This individual mentioned in the news below, was sentenced to 60 days in prison for calling someone a "fat lesbian"
Switzerland is not alone, many other countries like UK or Spain imprison people as well for speaking negatively about their "royals"... The irony... Search for cases, you will find plenty
If she is lesbian and she is fat, Wouldn't that be factual? Hard to understand why someone would be send to jail for 2 months for being not nice while speaking facts... But as you say, the irony, the ones that speak louder about violation of human rights in so called developed countries are the first ones to violate those rights
Whether anyone thinks these groups are marginalized or not, governments are using these people as a crowbar to usher in totalitarianism; condition people to get comfortable with censorship of speech, little by little.
Totalitarianism might be a reach, and it's more than likely the federal appeal strikes down the lower court's decision. But there's little doubt Alain Soral himself, based on his writings, wouldn't mind seeing a totalitarian state policing the bed room and purifying the demography.
Saddly seems to be the case in many countries
To me, this is the modern, western iteration of the politics of revenge & tribalism. When a certain group is on the outside they preach tolerance and openness... when they are in power they wield it to get revenge on those who previously (in their minds) oppressed them.
Try as they might, these so called liberals cannot free themselves of their human nature.
Sad how our culture is collapsing into a diocletianian style control state. At least his comment on her bmi should be followed up by a neutral jury! Sometimes I feel like Al Bundy was right about women?
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