Our plan is to charge sats monthly to own a sub and let you earn any sats the sub generates. Each sub will be like a mini SN ... which itself can have subs in it.
Like a chef editor and can own the sub?
let you earn any sats the sub generates
But how does it work if others would like to post under the same sub, is it the same as charging the posting fee, but SN won't take any from it but taking monthly sats instead? Interesting.
It sounds like plebs are going to run their own gang.! each sub ( community / gang ) is free to thrive in its own way, yet still connecting to each other ( all Bitcoiners haha ) , so cool.
you can't
you mustn't
if stacker news becomes too good I'll never get off
please, have mercy
This sounds... interesting. I'll have to marinate on this for a while... hmm