MLB Playoffs are here and I am pretty pumped.
Playoffs begin tomorrow and will run into early November.
Your challenge should you choose to accept it is to predict the winners of each series all the way until the world series. Player with the most points will win. Point system as follows:
-1 point for every Wild card series winner correct -1 point for every Division series winner correct -2 points for every Championship series winner correct -5 points if you get the World Series winner correct Tiebreaker: Total runs scored in the World Series
AL Bracket
AL WildCard Series Blue Jays v.s Twins Rangers v.s Rays
ALDS Winner of Blue Jays/Twins v.s Astros Winner of Rangers/Rays v.s Orioles
ALCS Division series winner A v.s Division series winner B
NL Bracket
NL WildCard Series Diamondbacks v.s Brewers Marlins v.s Phillies
NLDS Winner of Diamonbacks/Brewers v.s Dodgers Winner of Marlins/Phillies v.s Braves
NLCS Division series winner A vs Division series winner B
World Series AL Chamion v.s NL Champion
Here is a sample format for how you can lay out your picks for easy reading. ALWC Blue Jays Rays ALDS Blue Jays Orioles ALCS Blue Jays NLWC Brewers Phillies NLDS Dodgers Braves NLCS Braves WS Blue Jays
Good Luck!
5,000 sats paid
grayruby's bounties
ALWC twins rays ALDS astros orioles ALCS orioles NLWC brewers phillies NLDS brewers braves NLCS braves WS braves tiebreaker: 51
Almost had it but Wumbo took it on the tiebreaker. You needed a couple more runs to swing it your way.
ALWC Blue Jays Rangers ALDS Blue Jays Orioles ALCS Blue Jays NLWC Diamondbacks Marlins NLDS Dodgers Braves NLCS Dodgers WS Blue Jays
Tiebreaker: 49
KR knows what's up. Jays are peaking at the right time. Right? Right?
i hope so!
This didn't go so well for us KR
i thought he just got confused because of your hilarious sample picks. everyone else seems to know the braves are taking it all this year
Sample picks or maybe glimpse into the future.
I think the Leafs were too last year.
Haha. Shots fired.
ALWC Jays Rays ALDS Astros Rays ALCS Rays NLWC Brewers Phillies NLDS Dodgers Braves NLCS Braves WS Braves
I forgot to include a tiebreaker in my sample format. Can you submit a tiebreaker?
ALWC Twins Rays ALDS Astros Orioles ALCS Orioles NLWC Brewers Phillies NLDS Dodgers Braves NLCS Braves WS Braves
TieBreaker: 48 Runs
Won it on the tiebreaker. Congrats.
Hey, shouldn't we have a buy in? You shouldn't have to foot the bill. We could make the pot juicier too.
Nah just for fun. I enjoy it,
ALWC Blue Jays Rays ALDS Astros Orioles ALCS Astros NLWC Brewers Phillies NLDS Dodgers Braves NLCS Braves WS Braves
Tie Breaker: 52