It’s October 1 in my country, signifying the last quarter of 2023. Not too early to take stock of your processes for 2023, not too late to make changes and refine your habits either.
How many years have you acquired the Bitcoin mindset? And how have you sharpened your mindset this 2023? Are you happy with the progress you have made so far? What are some changes you hope to effect by the time 2024 comes around?
I think the greatest breakthrough I have is to stop thinking sats in relation to fiat. For instance, I used to accumulate sats in my wallet, thinking that I would send them to Kraken via the Lightning Network and off-ramp them to fiat and settle some of my daily needs. But somehow I grew comfortable with the idea of using my sats to buy gift cards on Bitrefill. So in just September alone, I bought two food takeaway vouchers from Bitrefill.
I didn’t even consider whether the amount of sats I had expended gave me the best bang for my buck in terms of fiat. I just thought I should focus on designing a lifestyle that is less fiat and more BTC. After all, when I spend $50 worth of BTC with Bitrefill, I will uncover my referral code, in which I can plant at the end of my articles. I’m sure that if I’m consistent with time, I will be able to get some people onboard for Bitrefill. Hopefully this gives me a slow and steady stream of sats to help me settle my food needs.
It’s a fledgling start but I’m determined to fan the ambers until they grow into a sizeable fire one of these days. Use sats ditch fiat here I come!
How about you?