Wonderful question. Happy to see such long term optimism, a rare thing on all other online platforms.
I share your view of humans. Humans are extraordinary in every way, resilient, adaptive, truly universal in the context of enduring and overcoming even cataclysmic events.
I look forward to when we finally get to see the last petty oppressors fall, when the Chinese people are freed from their social credit prisons and North Koreans especially. Seeing these people flourish and begin producing art again, I hope to live to see it.
Traveling to Alpha Proxima, no more than ~5 year journey (for the passangers at least), can you imagine it. Terrifying! But that's humans. We are amazing.
We won't destroy ourselves, and we will adapt to whatever climate or GRBs hit us. The more we grow, the more variations we attain, and the deeper art and music we produce. I can't wait.