It's funny you said that, because your post really got me thinking. Could I ultimately be harming those kids to make me feel good about myself? Even worse, how do you vet something like this to make sure It's not going to some grifter? It's good to hash through this stuff.
Exactly. You totally get it. I've thought about it a bit more and what you said about introducing them to bitcoin/lightning, that carries a lot of weight that I didn't consider at all. It wouldn't be "just giving money away", it would be a much more valuable opportunity, giving a head start to the kids whos potential might otherwise go neglected. This outweighs my worry about "helping perpetuate poor parenting" by a large margin.
Hell, giving such insight to kids who aren't even orphans in uganda would be a head start. So I've changed my mind. I vote for the Ugandan kids. But not because I'm a bleeding heart or anything! :) It's just more reasonable.