Lol, absolutely, watching Steve Leisman slobber all over the FED is always very uncomfortable too. I think we’ll see a lot of that upon the next burst
Didn't Bernanke get a Nobel Prize for economics? 👀🤡
The history of the nobel prize is wild though too.
The guy Nobel, was into some bad stuff and legit made this medal up to gaslight and shift the narrative. I'd have to look it up but it's almost unbelievable.
Yeah. The guys who caused the problem and then "fixed" it lauding themselves. Totally dystopian Fahrenheit 451 stuff. Couldn't make this up.
To get technical, there is no Nobel Prize for Economics... But there is one that the Nobel foundation added years after Nobel's death often referred to as "The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences." It wasn't funded by the same endowment nor judged by the same Nobel panel of judges as other prizes. It's official name is "the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel."
On one hand, our Buy Friedrich Hayek won it, so at least at one point in time the prize wasn't a pure mockery. But nowadays the only people who win it are purely pushing the globalist, Keynesian agenda.
Getting technical is good! Thanks for clarifying.