thank you for your great small write up it was really interesting to read!
But as a german hodler I have to remark that we do exist :) [although it is still an edge thing in the society.] What is interesting, nevertheless, that non-tech millennials are starting to talk about it. Often it is "crypto" but still...
Please do not take it 'ad personam'. (Du weißt, was ich damit ausdrücken möchte). And thank You for contributing. Maybe You could report us from now and then about what You see... schöne Grüße aus Kreta
All good, got you.
Yeah, I will gladly give an update here and then on about what I see happening here in Germany.
It's a slow process, and we still have a lot of ridiculous "bad for the environment" fud. Especially boomers are still very stubborn in their mindset (I guess this is what you were referring to originally).
I mean, 4 weeks ago or something, I talked to a PM in the tech sector (!) who was talking to another PM about how environmentally unfriendly BTC mining is, and so on. Of course, I could not help but interfere and argue with some numbers why this is just plain wrong. His reply was "Okay, it might be wrong, but I still say it" — while he is smiling in my face. At that point, I was like, "Okay, f*** it, I'm out of here," but yeah, that is mainly the boomer generation here.
I'm looking forward to your perspective. With you and @Tomk we are getting good German (really EU) information.
I will try to judge neutrally...