That’s the UK for you - digital hub huh? A number of banks already warn against (and block) sending funds to crypto and Bitcoin exchanges. I’m sure their stance will relax when they roll out Britcon coin though.
Yeah, same country that:
  • Enables scam artist CSW and bans from distributing Bitcoin Core
  • Bans Bitcoin ATMs
  • Enforces capital gains taxes above a paltry £6k (soon to be £3k)
But I'm sure all they need to do is regulate even harder.
Also the country where you can get prosecuted for thought crime
And where peaceful protest has been effectively criminalized.
And speaking. Libel laws are terrifying. Only getting worse I fear with the new Online Safety Bill
But overlooks widespread fraud in government depts and the City…
The UK does seem to combine the worst of Europe with the worst of the US.