Ultimate contrarian. Followed it when no one else did but don't follow it now when it's wildly popular. I respect that. I still like basketball but I do kind of miss the days when guys could actually play defense.
NFL is similar too though with PI calls and not being able to tackle the QB unless you lay him down on a bed of roses (there is a NJ reference for you). Also the lack of offensive holding calls is ridiculous especially if a premier QB is playing.
By the way I spent a week in New Jersey once. (clearly it was for a woman). The cities are dumps but outside of the city was very nice. Just as an aside.
Apt description. Remember, though, Dr J played for the New York Nets. They played on Long Island in a tiny arena and then shared the Nassau Coliseum with the Islanders. I went to many Nets games there.
Ah yes. NJ nets was later and now Brooklyn nets.
I had an ABA red white and blue basketball as a kid. I can't explain my lack of interest. I have liked college ball at times. The athleticism now is incredible
Here's another fun story. When I was a kid the company my dad was working for sponsored the Harlem Globetrotters events at Maple Leaf Gardens. My dad was lucky enough to be selected as one of the companies employees that got to participate in the halftime contest. One of those shoot from the key, from the line, from 3 kind of things. And I think 5 employees competed and got three attempts at each spot and the winner got some prize (not sure what it was). Anyways I was really pumped up and yelling "thats my dad" until he proceeded to miss every shot. At which point I was so embarrassed I didn't say a word for the rest of the game.
When I was 10 that seemed like a big failure but looking back now it is pretty cool he got to do that and hell I probably would have missed them all too.
Great story. I loved the Globetrotters as a kid. I still remember Meadowlark Lemon and Curly Neal.
Great fun to go to and got to meet some of the players afterwards because my dad's company was a sponsor.
The great news for the dad is even though he missed every shot, since the Maple Leafs played at Maple Leaf Gardens for so many years that's still not even close to the worst performance in that building by a longshot.