The world is where it is and societies are the product of everything that’s been before - good or ill - somethings are taken and others are imposed.
People too - I use foreign words and phrases in my day-to-day. ‘Ulu’ is a good one - means upriver or the unknown in Indo-Malay.
Yes, ofc people too. I enjoy people-watching, and I found the beauty of genetic mix is eye-pleasing, especially in Turkey, so diverse. Then I slowly tracked down to why.? oh, because the Turks originally came from Asia and had built many empires across different lands and cultures, etc.
Then, I also wondered about many other things that I saw; I found it quite fascinating, like getting different hints from the past.!!

‘Ulu’ means big in turkish:) 🤓
Love it. Also means knife in Eskimo apparently