I think a great example to look at when thinking about the possible impacts and adoption of bitcoin is the internet. If you had told most people in the 80s about the internet and how it would impact the world they wouldn't believe you. Even in the 90s most wouldn't believe you. In the 2000s people started to get it but not really. In the 2020s we are still seeing how the internet is changing almost every aspect of culture and habits in normal people. Now, when you consider bitcoin I don't think most people are even close to understanding it let alone its impacts. We have a long way to go but it is going to impact every aspect of our lives.
What is most shocking to me about Gammon is his unbelievable faith in the power of the state. Its like he actually believes they can print money forever. Maybe I'm missing his logic but I don't get it. I think its simply status quo bias.