Some ideas (I'm thinking of doing something similar).
  1. People: gather them into a message group so that they can all follow the countdown.
  2. Location: Pick a place with flexible booking, do a house party (Airbnb?) or do it in a public space (park?).
  3. Supplies: buy from a supplier with return policy for excess or have the party at a business (Bitcoin café?)
  4. Payment: charge in advance, but have a return policy of 50% for those who cancel in the last 24hrs.
But the easiest way is to do it in a place you own (or some other bitcoiner in the community), supply some stuff yourself (beer, snacks...) and ask everyone that comes to bring something... that way the food, drink amount should match the number of people.
return policy for excess
LOL are you out of your mind? How could be excess for drinking beers? That never happen in human history!