My personal dream are those little dog-robots becoming affordable and really smart. When every (middle class and up) family will be able to grow vegetables in their gardens at 0 effort and something that is a perfect security camera and like a Roomba that also cleans windows etc etc
Second thing for me is a revolution in battery tech. Imagine a laptop that lasts a month or an apple watch as thin as cardboard paper.
What is future tech that you are excited for?
Next gen batteries will enable garden bots, but also raider bots. Arms race in 5,4,3…
Battery powered equivalent of the Model T Ford that is a flying drone… now there’s an interesting thought exercise. No need for ‘muh roads’ or city centers either. You might need an energy based money in that world. 🤠
Fully decentralized Internet.
Is something like this in development?
I hope to live on Mars some day. Earth is awesome but it would be an insane experience. Anti-aging tech would be awesome too.
For Bitcoin related things I look forward to see what privacy improvement solutions the community come up with to make it easier to stay private. Innovations in P2P markets is also pretty exciting.
  1. social media we all use that's decentralized
  2. health-span increasing drugs/therapies
  3. kind of an odd one, but anything that reduces noise pollution
    • quiet cars
    • cheap and easy to build quiet homes
  4. agi is obviously very exciting
  5. basically anything that removes us having to trust each other
agi is obviously very exciting
What is agi? 🧐
Artificial general intelligence
better heat storage and distribution. We waste so much heat. And noise! we waste a lot of noise. If we could make devices able to not produce noise, I imagine that would save a lot of energy.
I would love to have cute and rideable Unicorn robots tho. And AR tech without big ugly glasses.
But would accept any of those mentioned by others.
Anti-aging tech :)
Warp drive
Cyber Augmentation a la Deus Ex
okay. now we need all of you people to go out and build all of this plz
go out, make babies, raise them to be kind and thorough... let them make these things.
For Bitcoin: I really hope that an extremely high degree of privacy can be achieved on Lightning.
Non-Bitcoin: I really look forward to advances in nuclear energy. Particularly in SMNRs and Fusion reactors.
Agreed. Privacy improvements would be beneficial here. I would also like some non-shitcoin version of a DEX.
Fusion power would be amazing, top of my list.
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