• Stuff that is implemented twice. (Copy & Paste) You fix a bug an find out that the bug is also some where else.
  • Non runnable code after you got if from git or no documentation what to do to run the solution. (Install Database, Dependenies, whatever...)
  • Code documentation about WHAT the code is doing instead of WHY it is doing it. I think thats one thing beginners often do because they are not used to read code.
To be honest, if you look at code you wrote 10 years ago you'll probably find stuff like that ;)
Stuff that is implemented twice
I agree, this is annoying most of the time.
But the thing I run into a lot and really can't stand is premature abstraction: "These 2 things look the same. Let's build a package with some base class so that everything is DRY"
Some time later, it turns out that the 2 things aren't remotely the same. Meanwhile, layers upon layers of crap have been built with this package as a dependency and I've got to trawl through it, tease the 2 things apart, refactor anything that uses the package, and/or convince other teams/users that they need to do the same in their code. Not fun
Stuff that is implemented twice. (Copy & Paste) You fix a bug an find out that the bug is also some where else.
I forgot about that but as soon as you referenced bugs twice it sparked memories lmfao
Humans are good at suspecting ;)