Government obtains its authority by enacting and enforcing just laws to keep the peace and defend negative rights. The majority of the sheep will defend the system because they believe without it their rights will be trampled by warlords and gangs. Simply put, people want a warlord they have some influence over through a vote and a representative rather than one they have no influence over. The system is dangerous to disobey because you, by design, are in the minority.
When the system becomes corrupt, it becomes unstable and the number of people willing to disobey authority grows large enough to threaten and discredit it. When the system is discredited, the perception of influence over your chosen warlord is destroyed. This is why the establishment is so afraid of Jan 6, they see it as a harbinger of collapse; even if the act itself had no direct effect.
Bitcoin fixes this. One does not need a government to enforce property rights when one's majority of property can't be taken by force. When property title is recorded on the blockchain, and can't be transferred without consent, it is very unprofitable to steal anything with an indelible and easily traced mark of ownership.