Unfortunately in the present, there is no distinction between Bitcoin and shitcoins among most businesses and people. "Bitcoin not crypto" has started the process to correct that, but the mental associations people have built are like deep gash wounds that will take a long time to heal/correct.
For this reason, we can not be "technology neutral" in our approach to building systems. If a technology has a negative association, it must be rebranded. For example, a Bitcoin "metaverse" would be neat, but it needs rebranded (or just use the old terms like VR social game) because its emergence was always associated with scams.
simplicible.com does a good job explaining brand risk and the term "brand risk" itself is a good concept to keep in mind next time you're trying to explain why you don't want your Bitcoin thing to have shitcoin associations with it. Not necessarily because its bad for "Bitcoin's brand", but because its bad for your products brand. A Bitcoin wallet with shitcoin support will have a bad brand for example.


Now this is going to sounds way out of left field but hang in there with me. There are two types of anti-virus. Signature based anti-virus takes a hash of a virus program and checks all of your files for that hash. If the virus is rewritten in any way, the anti-virus program will not pick up on it.
The second type of anti-virus is behavioral anti-virus. Certain behaviors that viruses normally exabit are flagged as potentially a virus.
What a lot of shitcoin enthusiasts want us to do, is have signature based anti-virus. To examine every single shitcoin for any merit before officially declaring its a scam and to be able to explain what exactly about it is scammy.
This process would be computationally expensive (mentally draining) so instead, Bitcoiners tend to use behavioral analytics. These behaviors can be difficult to explain, but we all know what they are. "Words normal people don't use in a sentence followed by an exclamation mark!" for example is one behavior that flags something as a scam for Bitcoiners. This type of scam identification is also why any normal person uses to figure out if something is a scam. They don't need to analyze if the person on the internet asking for money is a scammer or not, they asked for donations in gift cards, so it must be a scam.
This model can sometimes result in false positives, but false positives are less dangerous than false negatives. A false negative might be a scammer claiming their mother has cancer on "GoFundMe". The more false negatives (and the more dangerous those false negatives) the wider the net for behavioral rules are set until the new behavioral flagging is "Person asking for money on the internet is scam".
So we are at the point where "Blockchain and crypto is a scam" and Bitcoin is the false positive in those cross hairs. That's why any product design that integrates Bitcoin payments must be extra careful not to have any shitcoin associations. That's why every Bitcoiner is doing their best to show the good things Bitcoin has done for people everywhere, to bring back positive association to Bitcoin. To make a show of goodwill that yes we use Bitcoin and no we aren't trying to scam you. That's why no crypto can come along for the ride.
Also crypto is just a scam and only the social construct known as Bitcoin is actually trying to be money but you know I know you think your crypto isn't a scam so this is the explanation you need in order to "get it" I guess. Disassociate from Bitcoin and build your own reputation you damn scammers!
I think Bitcoin suffers from being a generic brand term, outside deephodl circles the terms bitcoin and crypto are interchangeable, people think everything is bitcoin and use it interchangeably, there are people holding BCH or BSV calling it bitcoin, and because most people are used to living in a nerfed world where companies go out of their way to protect their IP, if they see no legal recourse or big cases making the distinction, they just go along with the assumption
Right now I think you either become interested in finding out the difference yourself, or you don't and get rekt, every technology is like that, there were still beta max maxis and blackberry maxis right until the end, and eventually, they are forced to move over by incentives and learn from their mistakes
I guess the reputation of Bitcoin is just about time, as the lindy effect keeps compounding and the rest of the crap falls by the way side
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Lol 100% American hodl energy, I think bitcoin either gets you in as a maxi or you dig in your heels and take a maxi position in something else, gold, shitcoins, real estate, and may the best maximus win :P
You had me at "Shitcoins are a Brand risk."
If your service accepts anything besides BTC and XMR, what the fuck are you doing?