Simply put for me: human emotion.
The fact that we feel, we empathize, we care, we fight, we love -- emotion informs and influences every one of us and the decisions we make.
I've long thought of technology as a pure, streamlined expression of human emotion.
Whatever innate desires we humans had for connection, contentment, empowerment; Steve Jobs felt that too, and designed something to satisfy those feelings.
Humans once shared (and still do) a deep desire for expression and trust: Johannes Gutenburg was feelin' that in the 1400s y'all, and made a goddam printing press to satisfy those feelings.
Satoshi felt the same innate desire for freedom that we all share, and created something that (mostly) perfectly channels that inherent need.
Of course, channeling emotions through technology doesn't always pan out positively. "Positive" emotions like contentment can lead to way too many people sitting on their ass. TRUST can make us wanna be idiots and store our wealth with centralized custodians.
Comfort, safety, paranoia, anger, pride, envy, etc. can take the form of a B-2 Spirit or an M1-Abram.
But case in point: our emotions (and much else) inform our technology.
Despite the "negative" emotions we all share, I'm optimistic that our "positive" emotions generally win out over time. If that weren't the case, I probably wouldn't be enjoying the luxury of typing this message right now...
Being pessimistic is lame asf. Bet on human expansion, flourishment, prosperity, longevity. BUY BITCOIN!
TECH Bitcoin + Satellite / Mesh internet + Localised Energy & AI = no longer constrained to the tyranny of place for any of our future needs.
COMMUNITY FIRST Times like this are without doubt making people seek like-minded people, be it in their family, surrounding locality & online.
We're going to see some of the best sovereign communities in the most obscure locations. I can't wait!
best sovereign communities in the most obscure locations
I hope so too. But remember... most of the people are retarded. And never underestimate stupid people in large groups.
Absolutely. That's why it is important for people to optimise their locale based on crazies per km or capita.
We’re no longer geographically energy dependent 🤯
100%. Just in time to edit my post and include energy in that mix.
Most of the friends in my niche inner circle are married and having a LOT of kids.
depopulation maxis are in disbelief
The bad guys seem to be in panic mode
Fr we are living in their desperation phase
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We won't experience 100 years of progress in the next century—it will be more like 20,000 years of progress.
Looking at the raw numbers of population growth and information democratization.
Among us, we have now more than
10 Satoshis 100 Einsteins 1000 Newtons 10000 Napoleons 100000 Buddhas
How did I arrive at these numbers? Honestly, I just made it up.
The formula would be: (Current global population / population at the time of Einstein) * Information democratization factor.
the math checks out to me
We're all kind of choosing what's good for us, which encourages people to create and communicate what's good for us, so eventually we get more and more of what's good for us.
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we will need to have also implemented eth zaps LOL NO! they said to be inclusive
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He knows we exist (I'm pretty sure at least). I get the sense that we don't check enough boxes for him.
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For me, the fact that we seem to be on the verge of destroying ourselves and the planet makes me think that if we do manage to turn it around, then we will have to have grown into something much better than what we are at the moment. I'm banking on us turning it around since humans are pretty good at survival
on the verge of abundance, not destruction
Humanism as an ever growing plant in the hearts of the people and a strong desire to improve individual life. These are not antipodes - they are forces fighting together to push humanity forwards.... and beer. Good strong dark beer!
Good strong dark beer!
here is the link for the full gif, seems that SN is not displaying it all @ekzyis - well known issue? https: //
@ekzyis - well known issue?
We're talking the same idiom!! Cheers. Friday I will be starting with a fresh Mythos...
and the further technology grows, so does the desire for humanity
Agreed. Having children made me optimistic about the world in ways I did not think were possible
Wonderful question. Happy to see such long term optimism, a rare thing on all other online platforms.
I share your view of humans. Humans are extraordinary in every way, resilient, adaptive, truly universal in the context of enduring and overcoming even cataclysmic events.
I look forward to when we finally get to see the last petty oppressors fall, when the Chinese people are freed from their social credit prisons and North Koreans especially. Seeing these people flourish and begin producing art again, I hope to live to see it.
Traveling to Alpha Proxima, no more than ~5 year journey (for the passangers at least), can you imagine it. Terrifying! But that's humans. We are amazing.
We won't destroy ourselves, and we will adapt to whatever climate or GRBs hit us. The more we grow, the more variations we attain, and the deeper art and music we produce. I can't wait.
My own personal development
Simply, the fact we as a species are still alive kicking despite our own best attempts thus far.
We are clever, creative, and adaptable. We work well in groups. It's been quite handy :)
nothing, Im short world, long btc
This answer: #267559
Do not have problems, just unsolved tasks.
The world is unique. Not everything I can learn & and not everyone is given the opportunity to know Bitcoin.
People out there fighting for freedom and humanity.
Simply put for me: human emotion.
Nice try ChatGPT, GTFO
The purity of the human spirit and it's relentless quest for freedom. It's been said that the only thing that can change the world is a small group of dedicated people. Well we aren't that small of a group anymore and our dedication grows with each passing day. Keep building friends, our future is just around the corner
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This was the biggest scam in Bitcoinlandia and people still believe it was real... sad.
I am living in a parallel universe. Who the hell is this?
The so called "hacker" of the Bitfinex.... they want us to believe this bullshit Bitfinex was an inside job and now they want to wash the tracks with this bullshit.
I want to believe it was her dont present this information to me ser
Ah, thanks for the light in the tunnel. Imagine this: my life really is simple: fam+work, some beer, philo and literature, having changed from the stock market investment as savings to BTC. I hardly knew who is Bitboy Crypto...
Sometimes is better not to know all this shit. Your life will be simple, like you said. Why do you think I am building that damn citadel in the middle of nowhere? Just to relax, drink a beer and forget about all this noise and crap going in this fucked up world.
My last struggle is the daily newsflow that's part of my work. Therefore I withdraw myself twice a year to Crete into a small village. Nobody is talking bs, no covid or climate hoax. No police. Nothing. Just human beings doing their thing.
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