Me: 10 Wife: 2 (she humors me and allows me to put a lot of our net worth into it but glazes over when I explain it to her or discuss monetary/economic policy) Brother: 3-4 (I gifted him some and pay back for stuff via Lightning but he isn't orange pilled enough to feel the need to buy any more himself) Brother-in-law: 7-8 (DCAing and went in on a bitcoin miner with me; but also has some cryptocurrency too) Father-in-law: 8 (for 2 years he took bitcoin as payment when we were renting from him and has a Phoenix lightning wallet) Father: 3 (seemed interested in the idea of bitcoin after watching the Saylor/Tucker interview and talking about it but has benefited immensely from stock investing over the last 30 years so is unlikely to change his allocation much when what he was doing was working for him) Son: 10 (only 17 months old but he is already DCAing!! well, I guess you can blame this one on me. He'll hopefully be excited about it when he gets older) Friends: varies, one a definite 10; he's been getting paid in bitcoin since it was in the $300s via bitwage