A BITCOIN CAFÉ or SATOSHI'S CAFÉ or something similar where people (specially group of friends) come to enjoy food just like regular café but with a hint of Bitcoins. They can of course pay in Bitcoins/Satoshi's, or fiat too. Staff can help in onboarding them on consent. Also, there would be multiple paintings, wall art for crypto beginners about how to use BTC wallets, LN nodes, on-chain, off-chain etc. Bitcoined themed aesthetics and informative wall-art.
They can come with their Bitcoiner friends or they are welcome even if no-one knows a single thing about Bitcoin. The café staff can help them give demos about how to set-up their wallets if they want to do so. They can also ask questions about storing key securely and ask some basic queries.
This weekend got me thinking about how to involve more people in Bitcoin ecosystem. The main reasons that stop people from using Bitcoins in day-to-day payments, are multifold, but they usually consists of either or some of the following - Fear of loosing money, Lack of knowledge, Thinking it of only as an investment and not as a payment system, No use of LN etc. among many others.
Interestingly, all this can be solved by something of this sort that helps in:
  • initiating discussion around bitcoins
  • help people answering their queries
  • make it socially acceptable to talk about bitcoins
  • tell them basic do's and don'ts
  • how to skip added taxes on foods if they pay with bitcoin
Edit: I don't know if anyone has explored this yet. A quick web-search after writing this post bought me to these, but the first one don't accept and advice BTC. BTC coffee in Thailand seems to do something similar. Share your experiences if you have visited anything similar. Any additions to the idea are welcome. https://lbb.in/hyderabad/bitcoin-caffee-kompally-8f6920/ https://www.livemint.com/news/world/cafe-in-thailand-serves-crypto-advice-with-coffee-and-cake-11643591821464.html
If I lived in whatever city this was in, I would definitely go. The coffee and food quality would have to be top notch since I generally associate anything bitcoin related that succeeds as high quality (I pay and will only part with my sats for good proof of work). The bitcoin themed artwork would be a great touch. Local orange pilled artists could even showcase their work.
If a large enough city, I'd probably go bitcoin only, to be honest. No fiat at all. You could have free educational material to give away or I bet some of the bitcoiner customers would love to help someone that walks in and is truly interested in learning more about bitcoin.
You could have an onsite lightning atm to convert cash/coins to bitcoin lightning but otherwise, there should be no other use of fiat.
Word would spread quickly about this new excellent cafe that only takes bitcoin.