What if your fear is not a bad sign, but an indication that you're doing something right?
I know this is might be a huge mental shift to make, but it's one that could profoundly change your life for the better.
Fear is a completely natural emotion. It arises when we do things that are new, face uncertainty, or take risks.
How we view that fear, though, is up to us.
For some, fear is interpreted as a sign that you are doing something wrong. Fear tells you to retreat back into your self, to shrink your life down so that it can be controlled and carefully managed, to limit your connections to people who can hurt you. But that doesn't actually make the fear go away, does it? Your world shrinks, but the fear doesn't. It just gobbles up more of your life.
But for some other people, fear is seen as something that is an inevitable part of a good life.
These people know that, if you want to live a good life, you are always going to be doing new things, facing uncertainty, and taking risks. They learn to see their fear as a gift, an emotion that reminds them that they are in the process of growing as a person and expanding their lives. And in doing so, they discover that the bigger their lives become, the less the fear affects them, for it becomes a smaller and smaller part of their overall experience.
The next time that you are feeling scared, say these words to yourself:
"This fear is a sign that I'm expanding my life. Even though it doesn't feel like it in this moment, I know deep down that I'm moving towards something wonderful right now."
I could say that for several years I became fearless. I don't know exactly how, but gradually I felt like I don't have to fear anymore. About anything.
If I start to feel some kind of fear, I just trained my mind to move away from that feeling and avoid that "thing" that create the fear in my mind.
Fear is only in out mind. Clear your mind and nothing will happen. Without fear, nobody can control you. NOBODY.