I know positive statements like that about Musk can trigger some people. Most have already formed their opinion of the man, and, especially in technology, it's typically a polarized one. Either the man is the second coming of capitalist christ or he's the devil's conman incarnate. Ironically, like many of the most interesting people to ever grace this earth, there are shimmers of truth in both caricatures.
Man, I dig DHH. I can't keep track if he's been canceled at this point or what, but I don't care. Good writing, thoughtful, and pretty dead-on.
Plus, I'm stealing "the second coming of capitalist christ".
Hey, nice to see hey.com here. :) I use it for my work email and it’s been really nice - way less stressful than Gmail, imo. I just wish they had privacy like Proton. But I really like being able to draft an email and not be distracted by my inbox counter climbing - aka full screen drafting is better (for me, at least) then how Gmail does it. It’s a subtle thing but it’s much calmer to me. It’s also way better at hiding unwanted email (used to get like 20 a day even with unsubscribing). I sound like I’m advertising for them - but I just like it.
This list resonates. You can tell it's a later stage company algorithm, but it maps to earlier stages too.
If you had to it reduce to single statement, it's "figure out how to do this thing with the least resources possible."
kind of how biology works, must make sense!
i just heard Walter Isaacson talking about the book in the lex fridman podcast, really enjoyed
is there anything in this book u haven't found elsewhere? genuinely curious. cuz any book with the portrait of a living dude is a hard pass 4 me. is it just more histrionic personality disorder packaged as a bio?
I haven't read the book. I tend to enjoy biographies though, living or dead.