There's no better system that's been put into praxis. You can only judge things that have been built already, and put to work in society at scale, for long periods of time. Trying to claim utopian ideals or conceptual ideas are better alternatives is silly, until those ideas have been built, put into praxis, their emergent behavior known, and some scale achieved. Intellectuals, self-appointed Twitter experts, and shitcoiners like claiming otherwise. But this is kind of what bitcoin is in the process of doing, building, displaying its emergent behavior, scaling. It's a long, difficult, and organic process.
My gut feeling is we have a bunch of NgU 1st world bitcoiners who pretend like they have it bad (they don't), and commiserate with the 3rd world, when their urge to save humanity is really an urge to rule. And many mistakenly think that a full-scale disinflationary and decentralized money standard should be implemented immediately at scale, which is incredibly stupid because many other things have to happen first. Thusly, some sheep bitcoiners would replace all iterations of democracy if it meant a generous 300% spike in BTC's price. It wouldn't really matter what was replacing it, they'd get behind the information cascade. Maybe that's a little harsh, but since a certain crowd seems hell-bent on Bitcoin Twitter remaining the total addressable bitcoin market, they might indeed need bitcoin politicians, Blackrocks, and conflicts.