Thanks for the thoughtful reply.
My main objection to this is a pretty foundational one: I don't think most of the world cares, or ever will care, about the "conviction" part of the btc movement. Lots of bitcoiners talk about btc-related things like a crusade, and that's fine, I even agree with elements of it. But I don't think the world will ever share the religion.
So, in place of mutual conviction, having the more convicted party take advantage of greed seems like a more plausible and historically-precedented approach to scaling past the current sliver of people who've made btc a way of life. But that strategy could clearly backfire, for some of the reasons that you mentioned.
I agree most people will join with a utilitarian mindset and not an ideological one. Still, I think the world will give them reasons to join Bitcoin for practical purposes.
The most basic one will simply be to watch a chart where Bitcoin has been steadily (ignoring short term volatility) going up in value for decades.
Another one could be Bitcoiners being willing to only give/take payment in Bitcoin. That's a predicable thing that will probably happen gradually more and more and would force nocoiners to jump onboard to get what they want.