It's nice to hear how you tip.
I do:
  • 10 sats for my default
  • 100 for something that was good, but didn't blow my mind
  • 1000 for something that did blow my mind
  • 5000 for something that blew my mind and required a lot of effort
  • 10-50k sats on AMAs because I really enjoy them
I mostly tip proportional to how much I want to see more of the thing that I'm tipping. I use my sats to signal for the behaviors that I like so that they continue.
It's usually bitcoin related and original content, but here's some sats anyway.
Also, noted.
Here is even more mind blowing... about Bitcoin blockchain
Ehh kind of boring. What else do you watch on there?
Citadel Dispatch is good there:
I don't know how for you all that content on BitcoinTV, exclusively about Bitcoin is boring for you... In all these 10+ years in Bitcoinlandia I never get bored about Bitcoin content, is always something new to learn. I never go to sleep until I learn something new. Ok, go back to your tiktoks...
Noooo, not the whole website, just those videos of the blockchain snake.
Which topics interest you?
Oh yeah, I forgot about AMAs, yeah there I tip more, depends on the answers. And not just for the AMAer, but also to the participants. Sometimes the questions are more interesting than answers.