Peter needs to embrace Dark Maximalism tho. This was another good article by him. I don't know about a crash or it being months away, that's some ZeroHedge nonsense, but generally by the time a recession is official, the bottom is in and markets horn gore no?
  • March 2020 was the Covid bottom just as lockdowns began
  • March 2009 was the Great Recession bottom as QE began and major auto companies started filing for bankruptcy
  • October 2002 was the Dotcom bottom as the Iraq war was approved by Congress
All based on Dow⤴
All coincided with instances of monetary expansion of course. I mean Peter my bitcoin fren! This fiat game will play out in waves way longer than you Austrians are comfortable admitting! That's fine for BTC! It has a quote price and will absorb more value with each wave. Bitcoin will have a quote price for a very long time. Fiat's job at this point is to finance us into the cheap/free energy future where bitcoin is no longer a softball used in a baseball game.