12 for the 12th man on a 12 man team. On the bright side you learned the subtle art of rejection all those times you tried to chat with girls in the stands while you were riding the pine. Small victories.
Ahhh a Seahawks fan I see 😜 "We Are 12" mighta been the worst slogan any organisation could have run with.
I cannot zap this even if it was written in jest. 49ers will be dismantling the seahawks this season as they did 3 times last season (got to give them a bonus beat down in the playoffs). The cowboys are my most hated nfl team but when the seahawks are good and competing for the nfc west, they are pretty close.
Haha yeah I said it in jest knowing you're a 9ers fan. But also... we are 12 was the worst slogan ever.
Blasphemy. The rejection part may be factually correct, I don't recall, but the rest is bullshit. I was sitting on the bench trying to chat up those girls in the stands because I got removed from the game for walking 5 guys in a row, not for sucking broadly.