Saif has always been a crazy person and beyond the contribution of his book, I find the whole of his personality intolerable. The entire reason him and Nassim beefed so hard Nassim became anti Bitcoin is because Saif and Nassim's egos are too large to be seen with each other.
I don't really need to get my information from people who cannot demonstrate themselves to be humble. Always a sign they are willing to sell you lies in order to prop up their ego.
I find it difficult to listen to either one of them, honestly.
I'm learning a lot from Saif's Austrian Economics course on Saylor Academy. He knows his stuff when it comes to economics. But when he starts talking about beef, seed oils, cow farts and the condition of academia, I change my mind about recommending him to friends.
True. He did a good job of compiling info
But Academia is not only visibly broken, but he was literally a professor of economics there before bitcoin. Why do you think you know better than him on that situation?
He could be more humble but considering how right he is about bitcoin, I always give him the benefit of the doubt. Still trying to figure out how to get away from seed oils, they're in friggin' everything!
I didn't say I do. But it's OT. He could be less repetitive and less vehement about it.
They can be, anyone who puts their ego ahead of knowledge I find hard to tolerate, but I am surprised more Bitcoiners don't see through people like that. Bitcoin is for everyone, but who you choose to align yourself with and the identity you chose to carry in the name of Bitcoin matters. I would suggest everyone be far, far more critical of all the creators and influencers in Bitcoin.
It would also be appreciated if we stop straddling Billionaire wiener every time they accumulate a little more too. Corps, excessive wealth, and government are literally the reasons we are all in this mess and yet I see Bitcoiners producing Saylor flow videos for each others edification. So much noise.
Yeah I always go out of my way to point out the utter hypocrisy in those who are quick to praise some people who are otherwise detestable characters (for any of a myriad of reasons), simply because they are "bitcoiners" or even worse, because they are wealthy bitcoiners. It's so cringe...those who act as if their opinions are somehow more valuable or are coming from a more informed place than the rest of us are only serving to perpetuate the same bullshit system that I got into bitcoin to GET AWAY FROM in the first place.
Case in point: all of the fucking lame moonboy types who are incessantly hyped up about fucking BLACKROCK filing for a spot Bitcoin ETF. I have a real hard time managing to square up the people who are excited about this or who see it as being "good for bitcoin" with the (fast dying) ethos behind bitcoin in the first place...I guess in reality those with principles are a dying breed, and it's easy to become disillusioned with the state of things.
I don't know if it even matters if its good for Bitcoin or not really, because at the end of the day Bitcoin is a deflationary technology and this beast cannot be put back into the box. To me that fact alone means nothing can stop Bitcoin, only influence it. In the short term we may suffer attempts to stop Bitcoin and an ETF could allow institutions to control the price but at the end of the day it is no sweat off my back. I don't worry about what's good for Bitcoin as much as I do about how Bitcoin can be good for me.
Saylors ai photos are cringe now
Yeah. Some of the BEST opinions, teachers and devs are waaaaay under rated and not popular
Thanks for commenting. I don't know the specific reference you're making. But I whole-heartedly agree on this.
His online personality is really hard to like or appreciate.
I agree it does seem ego based and yelling at people is really a poor sign of character. Many other Bitcoiners present themselves as much more classy and inviting. Not polarizing.
He's got stuff to offer. Someone close to him should see if he's open to the feedback.
He's got tons to offer, but his problem is that he is completely intolerant to feedback.
That's a shame. I wish he was likeable enough to be invited on shows like Russel Brand's and Joe Rogan every week...