Nobody (not me, and, so far as I know, nobody else) is arguing that anything be done about this right now. Like you say, these are extreme measures! And we're not having a problem right now. And who knows what the future holds? So many things could happen.
The issue is whether the community becomes so dominated by faith-based reasoning that people don't do the work, they don't think adversarially, they don't threat model, they don't prepare. Basically, kicking the can down the road, covering their eyes and ears and pretending that everything will be fine because it would be really inconvenient if everything weren't fine.
About as fiat-mindset as it gets.
I am with you there, whats the point of this whole thing if it can be taken down by something? Then we are larping about this network being the most robust, immutable, censorship-resistant money, it needs to be attacked, be that through computation, policy, alternative networks, legal means, and more.