Are You Ingesting Rat Poison?

Preventative medicine has already been highlighted in one of my previous posts titled The Gatekeepers Club. This mainly includes Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and I am sure by now that most people have come to realize this obvious fraud being promoted. On a "lighter" note, however, Iā€™d like to highlight two additional substances and point out how it is near impossible to find "supplements" that are natural and good for you, especially in the long run. These two substances are Vitamin D and Zeolite.
Check out the full article here
Lol I've never used them probably because I am a cheapskate, who knew being frugal would help me so much :)
Every morning a fresh lemon - some sports and intermittent fasting. That works for me.
with beer šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ how can you ignore beer?
It contains ca. 95% water. Save to say that I do my water fasting day by day
Water fasting is perhaps THE best thing you can do.
Well, thanks. Will study this, too. What I sometimes do is taking some melatonin to sleep better.