What do you think poses a greater threat to human freedom? Feel free to expand on you decision or add another idea I didn't mention
Fiat money60.0%
Mass surveillance 40.0%
25 votes \ poll ended
I voted fiat money, because I don't think mass surveillance would be possible without the seigniorage power of fiat money.
I think that's a good rationale. Although much of the surveillance happens by private companies, which can entail it's own risks separate from state actors.
Exactly. The poll is wrong
Fiat money is at the top of the pyramid. Mass surveillance is part of the same pyramid, and perhaps enabled by it.
Fiat delenda est If you didn't watched @jimmysong presentation at BH conf you should.
Mass surveillance coildn't not exist if fiat is destroyed.
I believe fiat money is the root of many evils we see nowadays. Basically it backs pretty much all sorts of government violence against people.
Mass surveillance, wars, social conflicts and etc... all of that stems from fiat money being over printed
I feel fiat is a form of surveillance otherwise you wouldn't have KYC or anti money laundering schemes etc
I wiil vote sleeping
  1. Religions and superstitions.
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