I've changed my mind on the jobs style approach for a product board, not sure that's the right way to go anymore.
People don't really want to vote on new job listings, and there aren't any good examples of this happening on the web today (afaik) which makes it a good candidate for a purely pay-to-play auction board.
On the other hand, there are definitely people who want to vote for their favorite products, and pay-to-play ruins that fun of voting.
A Product Hunt approach makes more sense, but adding Product Hunt to the existing SN layout introduces an issue of low volume, and I worry it will leave SN looking bare.
Product Hunt only gets a few dozen Product launches each day, and they serve basically all forms of tech enthusiasts in the world.
I don't think SN would get more than one post per day right now, especially if it were to focus on Bitcoin product launches. Product Hunt also shows only 5 products above the fold on their site, while SN is close to 20.
If a product launch feature is introduced, I think it should have different characteristics from the main SN board and the job board.
However, I think it's still probably too early to introduce it, as it requires bootstrapping a new network effect from scratch, and founders care way more about Product Hunt's distribution than the ability to earn a few sats on SN.
I think a new format.
PH might have been the wrong example, maybe more like yelp or review of current/ new Bitcoin products/ companies - what you mentioned in your other comment sounds great. Something that is sortable (launch date/ sector etc) - not so much about up voting with sats, I would love to be able to read bitcoiners/ experts/ people (I respect) reviews/comments about products/companies in one spot. I think having that here, will eventually bring people here as the product hunt type launch feature that people will visit to hear what new stuff is coming out.
One example: there has been some great comments on ways to earn sats - would love a post/tab where I can read in one spot what people are saying about "Bitcoin Libre"
Hope that makes sense!
Makes sense, and a Yelp style board for companies is a really interesting idea