You bring up two shitcoiners as the basis for a discussion? bleh.
I'll bring up anyone who's smart and makes good points.
thanks for doing so!
appeals to authority. you should bring up good points without needing to sycophantically name drop self-serving influencers.
He didn't appeal to any authority, he just said he thinks Nic made good points (which he laid out in the OP).
You literally started this thread with an ad hominem.
nah, OP definitely playing apologetics as a ruse to argue for tail emissions. What does Udi or Nic having argued anything matter? Name-dropping people, THEM especially, sure, comes off poorly to me.
He was just bringing them up because those are the people he heard the ideas from. You're dismissing the ideas out of hand because you don't like those people.
I dismiss tail emissions for different reasons than I dismiss shitcoin shills. Don't get it twisted. I find regurgitating influencer arguments boring. Why even bring those people up? If OP agrees with the argument he could make it himself.
Thank you for understanding what "citing your sources" means, and why it's useful.
We cite sources for facts, not for opinions. This is just name-dropping. What is YOUR opinion? Do you agree with Nick's argument, or are you presenting it for attention?
My opinion is that you should maybe learn something about how science, research, and journalism work. Citation serves many functions, but principally to provide a reader sufficient context to interpret and evaluate claims.