Harsh, but fair! You're right of course. I don't obsess over price to be honest, but even if I live my life on a bitcoin standard, earn bitcoin for my hard work and denominate everything in sats, the volatility of them is wild in terms of purchasing power of everything else - and naturally screws with your head. Thinking long term, how many sats do I need for a safe retirement - for Lionel Schriver's fabled regular chicken and a bottle of wine?
how many sats do I need for a safe retirement
This again is a rhetoric of a fiat mindset. It's all about how you manage your life: always spend less than you earn. Is simple as that. Pay attention to what I said about Bitcoin is energy. Also prices are one thing and value is another thing. Prices are determined based on demand and offer in a free market. You cannot predict that the price of the chicken will be the same in 100 years. It could be cheaper or more expensive. All depend on demand and offer. The value is the one that determine the price. Is how much you value something to have it now or in the future.
And to not repeat myself many times, please read here, I just gave a similar answer #263302