You want the truth? Because I saw no other choice for myself. Even with Bitcoin my I am struggling to maintain my life. I don't do anything fun at all. I only spend money on groceries because it is all I can afford to do. I understand what Bitcoin will do for the world and I advocate and fight for it.
But make no mistake I am in this for myself and I don't care about anyone else. The difference is I will tell you this, and most others will just smile and shake your hand while talking about how we need to save the global south and get them Bitcoin. Everyone should focus their efforts more locally.
Can totally relate; save yourself and save the world. They can run concurrently!
Yeah that is a better way of putting it and the root of what I mean. I get that other regions of the world are important but the only thing I need to do is let them know Bitcoin exists and is worth looking into.
I don't need to pretend to have solutions to issues in regions of the world I don't understand in the first place. Let them know Bitcoin exists and what it does, then let them figure it out from there. Anyone attempting to tell me they know the solution without being from the affected region in my experience has always turned out to be imperialist wanna-be's.
its good