Fascinating question and I love the oxymoron (strong opinions, loosely held) at the end.
I think an instrumental part of me being open-minded is having a strong sense of self. In my society, most people prioritise career progression and wealth building over varied experiences. But I just feel that it’s such a pity if I only live one life. So I change jobs ever so often because I want to see the world out there. Each time I do so, I gain a sharper sense of my authentic self because the same values and principles will steer me towards navigating the differing circumstances. I don’t care what others think in regard to the things that I’m doing with my life! Appreciating the diversity of life and understanding my preferred way of being allow me to accept other people’s points of view pretty easily.
I mayn’t agree with your opinion, but I have no qualms about taking up alternative courses of action because I don’t attach myself emotionally to my opinions. I readily do what my boss expects me to do, although I may not be on the same page as her.
Def a good point, if you only have things handed to you, including your identity, you're much less inclined to feel the need to have that desire to formulate new ideas/new thinking