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Forgot your gun - what a pity!
I'm a weak city boy deep down. I don't think I could shoot one of these critters unless we needed the food.
Deliberately forgot it then…. Be amazed at what a person will eat when they are desperate but everyone has a stalling point; mine was slugs. Snails, earthworms fine but I can’t eat slugs.
I love turkey. Yum! I used to stuff the snails for esgargot in a restaurant as a teenager. They still give me the willies.
Why do they put so much garlic on escargot? Because it makes them actually taste of something other than snot. Do you know if they are popular in French Canada? Taste of the old country maybe.
Should ask @grayruby as he might know. Long while since I have been.
Escargot in garlic butter is the only way to eat them. I am not sure if they are popular in Quebec to be honest. Probably.
Having never been much out of Ontario, but having spent time on Paris, I think of Quebec as being all berets, baguettes, accordions, croissants and novelty European fire engine sirens…