What do you mean by left? In order to read comments you have to have an account.
Very observational you goddamn Sherlock. No, I haven't posted in many months but have the old desktop application (not the desktop site) that still allows search and browsing while not logged-in.
Does the app display comments in chronological order? I was using Nitter but it seems like comments don't show at all anymore or show out of order. I don't have an account so getting information from that shithole is increasingly more difficult. It is really obvious that Twitter and other platforms are trying to reduce the free flow of information. Guess the powers that be didn't enjoy the economic education we all got from the internet in the past 5 years.
They're in order, the only issue is navigating a single click back takes me to the twitter trending homepage, and I have to start the search and scrolling over. I should really delete the goddamn thing and be done with it once and for all. I have it to read the posts of tweets people link here, which frankly they shouldn't even be contaminating us with.
It is difficult to do. I was using twitter for OSINT stuff and now I don't know where to go to get that same level of information. The first few months of the Ukraine war was practically fought on Twitter, it was really incredible to witness and it reminded me of why Twitter is important.
I wish people would stop linking Tweets though. I cant view half of them, can't view the comments to any of them and its generally just a bad experience. I think everything is going to be 100% pay walled soon so it won't matter anymore anyways.
The most terrifying part of all this to me is all the information and knowledge that only exists in Tweets about to be permanently lost to the internet, forever.