How often are you spending sats in Mexico? What is your favorite place to do this? What of the meetup scene and bitcoin education?
I don't remember ever spending bitcoin in Mexico. Funny enough, this Saturday I'm visiting a bar where they take it, if the owner is there. I will ask him if he wants to trade regularly with me, bitcoin for cash. The exchange and bank route costs me 1.5% at least. That would be great.
Also I just found out that one of the biggest retailers, Elektra, you can pay online with bitcoin. Haven't tried it yet.
I hardly met any real bitcoiners, it's a lot of cRyPtO-traders. But I'm also not really looking for them. AFAIK there's no real bitcoin meetups where I live. Saturday would be the first time haha, my friend, he's into xrp, told me that when he asked the owner if he also accepts xrp, he got agressive lol. I like him already.
Big community in Acapulco.
Bitcoin or crypto? From what I've heard it's mostly the latter.
A mix for sure.