From a draft Twitter thread I'm writing:
Nostr represents the future of how we will communicate and distribute the written word: decentralised, free, independent, incorruptible. fiatjaf created it in 2020 and it’s been growing since, offering a new hope for content creators tied up by Big Tech and their walled gardens
On Nostr you own your social experience. Keep followers, posts, likes, and replies across platforms. Some people won’t care, but for creators - this is key! People use Nostr clients to see and post stuff - WTF’s a Nostr client ? 🤔
Clients are websites/apps that connect to the Nostr network. Think of them like different doors to the same room – your content and followers stay the same, whichever door you choose.🚪🚪 I’m not going to link a client here because Elon owns this door and could close it on me.
He also owns the room. On Nostr, nobody owns the room, you can just build or use doors to enter it.