I use a 9 year old laptop when I do my SN work, it definitely bogs down hard at times. Iā€™m just too cheap and lazy to buy a new machine
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I like to find good quality used thinkpads, the T series was really well made back in the day :)
Hey, me too haha
I have a T420, a T420s, X220 and bought my girlfriend a T430 to her birthday. She's also into Thinkpads :)
Proof of Thinkpads:
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Honestly, coding on a NixOS powered ThinkPad with vim and tmux is pure bliss.
You feel in total control šŸ˜Ž
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Im going to btc++ in October, it's all about NixOS afaik
Looking forward to learn if NixOS is really that great as I hear from some people.
When people are really enthusiastic about something, I get very skeptical for some reason, lol
I think it's a "It can be this good, right? Right?" feeling
Trust me, but verify. Once you start describing your system declaratively with the assurance that what you have is what you expect and will be the same for every machine using the same definition, you'll never go back... :)
I am not even talking about the joy of using that same definition to build images for whatever target you need (VPS, proxmox, raspberri Pi, etc...).
Of course, take your time, like anything worth doing, it's a steep learning curve, but same as a tool like Vim, it's a long time investment.
In the mean time:
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