Revolutionary ideas take time. Please don't take this the wrong way but our culture doesn't encourage patience. Bitcoin is revolutionary and humans are slow to accept change. Not to mention the tech is still evolving to work with bitcoin.
I just watched this video last night. Its a news report from 1981 about the Internet. So the Internet took a while as well. Just be glad you are getting the chance to front run the elites of the world.
I try to view bitcoin as something that will impact my children and their descendants far more that it will impact me. I wrote some thoughts about this a while back.
I hear you man. I feel this.
But I also am impatient for the world to change. It's like... so many people are too distracted, busy, ignorant, daft, mistrustful etc... to want to change the world.
I just get sort of discouraged sometimes. I know it's a generational and revolutionary shift. But there's a real chance it doesn't ever catch on. Or go mass.
Apathy is a very real pitfall.
Don't focus on what is out of your control. Focus on yourself, and your sphere of influence. Gain knowledge and skills. Improve your life and the life of those around you. You can't control others but if you improve yourself you can inspire others. This is what I try to do.