I was one of the first few accounts to sign up for Twitter in 2006 and, no joke, it changed my life because of the early connections I made and community I found.
But it's a total shit show these days. Ruined by brands and people building 'personal brands'. I strongly believe that it's named verified accounts that are the most toxic on social media. People and corps trying to make a name for themselves and monetising clicks that is the REAL issue. Not anons. (Just think how this plays out in Bitcoin, how often is it wannabe influencers rugging and shitcoining whilst the anons stay true?)
Long ago deleted my account.
It really grossed me out when companies started using Twitter for advertisement (see: Wendy's "Hello Fellow Kids"-ing social media). The worst part is just how much everyone loved that shit.
it's unreal how many copy paste "personal brand" threads I see getting ran up the algorithm every single day, is inSANEE