"Our goal is to create news so fake that you will think it's real. "
Not sure this is most genius idea ever. As if we needed more BS and fake news right now...
Of course it's not the most genius idea ever. We are journalists so our IQ is capped at 85
Nothing personal here. I get it that you want to be "The Bitcoin Onion". Not a bad idea and could have been fun.
But the thing is that Bitcoin (and bitcoiners) have been suffering from fake news for more than a decade, and some of these fakes (like "Bitcoin is boiling the oceans and killing the planet") have become "fake truths" that people actually believe. Then Brandolini effect and pain in the ass...
Unfortunately many people are very "first degree" these days (and many don't even read articles, or go beyond the titles showing on their timeline). So yes, your project, if successful, can only increase the noise and spread fake assumptions, that could later "stick" and contribute to giving a wrong image of Bitcoin.
Again, not saying that your project is meaningless or stupid, but the context is not optimal.
Will be putting in a concern with the Babylon Bee for misrepresenting Christianity